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i/d våtfôr til hund

Hill's PRESCRIPTION DIET i/d Dog food is a highly digestible complete dietetic pet food for reduction of intestinal absorptive disorders and for compensation for maldigestion and exocrine pancreatic insufficiency in dogs. This food has an increased level of sodium and potassium and highly digestible ingredients.

Hill's Prescription Diet i/d Dry Dog Food may be fed long-term to patients requiring a highly digestible food with moderate fat levels.

For optimal recovery from acute GI disease, recommend feeding this food for at least 7 days (1-2 weeks for acute cases, 3-12 weeks for maldigestion or long-term as needed).

Appropriate levels of nutrients meet the special nutritional needs of puppies and adult dogs.

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  • Hovedfordeler

    Klinisk bevist ernæring som kan forandre livet til dyret ditt.

    Hill's PRESCRIPTION DIET i/d Dog food is a highly digestible complete dietetic pet food for reduction of intestinal absorptive disorders and for compensation for maldigestion and exocrine pancreatic insufficiency in dogs. This food has an increased level of sodium and potassium and highly digestible ingredients.

    Hill's Prescription Diet i/d Dry Dog Food may be fed long-term to patients requiring a highly digestible food with moderate fat levels.

    For optimal recovery from acute GI disease, recommend feeding this food for at least 7 days (1-2 weeks for acute cases, 3-12 weeks for maldigestion or long-term as needed).

    Appropriate levels of nutrients meet the special nutritional needs of puppies and adult dogs.

    These characteristics make Hill's Prescription Diet i/d, veterinary dog food a useful nutrition for growing puppies and adult dogs with gastrointestinal disorders and/or in recovery:

    Fordøyelighet (inkludert proteiner, fett og karbohydrater Høyt Sikrer enkelt næringsopptak i mage-tarmkanalen
    ActivBiome+, en proprietær blanding av prebiotiske fibre Tilsatt

    Virker raskt for å fremme bedre avføringskvalitet og bidrar til å forbedre fordøyelsen

    Gir næring til tarmmikrobiomet og frigjør antiinflammatoriske og antioksidative komponenter

    Støtter fordøyelseshelse og velvære

    Elektrolytter og B-vitaminer Høyt Bidrar til å erstatte tap av viktige næringsstoffer ved diaré og oppkast.
    Klinisk dokumenterte antioksidanter Tilsatt Støtter et sunt immunsystem
    Omega-3- og -6-fettsyrer Tilsatt Støtter sunn hud og blank pels

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    100% fornøydgaranti Vi er sikre på at ditt dyr vil nyte Hill's Prescription Diet maten. Vi er så sikre på dette at vi tilbyr 100% penger tilbake garanti.*

    * 100% fornøydgaranti- Hvis du ikke er fornøyd, returner ubrukt del til kjøpestedet for full refusjon eller erstatning.


    Primary Indications:

    - Acute gastroenteritis (diarrhoea or vomiting)

    - Constipation (motility impaired)

    - Flatulence

    - Gastritis (acute or chronic)

    - Gastrointestinal disorders in puppies

    - Oesophageal disorders

    - Recovery from gastrointestinal surgery

    - Growth

    - Cushing's syndrome

    - Diabetes, underweight

    - Neoplasia, most forms

    Other Indications:

    - Forms of chronic enteropathy (inflammatory bowel disease):

    Food responsive

    Antibiotic responsive

    Steroid responsive

    - Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI)

    - Infectious diarrhoea

    - Protein losing enteropathy (PLE) without lymphangiectasia

    - Stress colitis

    - Anorexia, cachexia & weight loss

    - Debility, malnutrition & convalescence

    - Hypermetabolic states

    - Surgery (Pre- and Post-Op)


    Klinisk bevist ernæring:

    Feeding Prescription Diet i/d Canine has been shown to increase serum cobalamin concentration in dogs 1 and support recovery of dogs from esophageal stricture 2, colitis 3-5, small bowel resection 6 and exocrine pancreatic insufficiency 7.




    Hill's Prescription Diet i/d Dog Food provides all the nutrition your patient needs to help resolve diarrhea and support quick recovery. Fortified with Hill's revolutionary ActivBiome+ ingredient technology clinically shown to rapidly nourish the gut microbiome to support digestive health and well-being.

    Relaterte produkter:

    - For patients with acute gastroenteritis (diarrhoea or vomiting): Prescription Diet i/d Low Fat Dog Food, Prescription Diet i/d Stress Dog Food

    - For patients with constipation from impaired GI motility: Prescription Diet i/d Sensitive Dog Food, Prescription Diet a/d Dog/Cat Food

    - For patients with oesophageal disorders: Prescription Diet i/d Low Fat Dog Food, Prescription Diet i/d Stress Dog Food, Prescription Diet a/d Dog/Cat Food

    - For patients with flatulence: Prescription Diet Gastrointestinal Biome Dog Food, Prescription Diet i/d Low Fat Dog Food, Prescription Diet i/d Stress Dog Food, Prescription Diet w/d Dog Food, Prescription Diet z/d Dog Food

    - For patients with acute or chronic gastritis: Prescription Diet i/d Low Fat Dog Food, Prescription Diet i/d Stress Dog Food, Prescription Diet i/d Sensitive Dog Food, Prescription Diet a/d Dog/Cat Food

    - For patients with gastrointestinal neoplasia: Prescription Diet ON-Care Dog Food, Prescription Diet Gastrointestinal Biome Dog Food, Prescription Diet i/d Sensitive Dog Food

    - For patients with infectious diarrhoea: Prescription Diet Gastrointestinal Biome Dog Food

    - For patients recovering from gastrointestinal surgery: Prescription Diet i/d Low Fat Dog Food, Prescription Diet a/d Dog/Cat Food

    - For patients with Cushing's syndrome: Prescription Diet i/d Low Fat Dog Food, Prescription Diet Metabolic Dog Food, Prescription Diet w/d Dog Food, Prescription Diet i/d Stress Dog Food, Prescription Diet Metabolic+Mobility Dog Food, Prescription Diet c/d Multicare+Metabolic Dog Food, Prescription Diet r/d Dog Food

    - For patients with diabetes that are underweight: Prescription Diet a/d Dog/Cat Food

    - For patients with neoplasia, most forms: Prescription Diet ON-Care Dog Food, Prescription Diet a/d Dog/Cat Food


    1 - Davenport DJ, Ching RJW et al. The effect of dietary levels of folate and cobalamin on the serum concentration of folate and cobalamin in the dog. Journal of Nutrition (1994);124: 2559S-2562S

    2- Adamama-Moraitou KK, Rallis TS et al. Benign esophageal stricture in the dog and cat: A retrospective study of 20 cases. The Canadian Journal of Veterinary Research (2002); 66:55-59.

    3- Churcher RK and Watson ADJ. Canine histiocytic ulcerative colitis. Aust Vet J (1997); 75, 10: 710-713.

    4 - Leib MS. Treatment of Chronic Idiopathic Large-Bowel Diarrhea in Dogs with a Highly Digestible Diet and Soluble Fiber: A Retrospective Review of 37 Cases. J Vet Intern Med (2000); 14:27-32.

    5 - Davies DR, O'Hara AJ et al. Successful management of histiocytic ulcerative colitis with enrofloxacin in two Boxer dogs. Australian Veterinary Journal (2004); 82, 1&2: 58-61.

    6 - Gorman SC, Freeman LM et al. Extensive small bowel resection in dogs and cats: 20 cases (1998–2004). JAVMA (2006); 228, 3: 403-407.

    7 - Westermarck E, Wiberg ME. Effects of diet on clinical signs of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency in dogs. JAVMA (2006); 228, 2: 225-229.

  • Fôringsguide

    Hvordan justere fôringsmengde for å holde optimal vekt.

    Provide specific feeding instructions for your patient.

    Daily Feeding Recommendations are only a guide and a place to start.

    Grams are the most accurate form of measurement; cups are estimated from grams.

    Monitoring your patient's condition will assure the nutritional recommendation provides the best results.

    Gradually transition to this new food for 7 days or more.

    Reinforce with clients to feed Prescription Diet dry food, canned food, & treats exclusively.

    Vekst 4 til 9 måneder

    Hundens vekt - kg Mengde dag - 360 g Hermetikk Mengde dag - gram
    1 0.25 + 25 g
    2 0.5 + 30 g
    4 1 + 35 g
    5 1 + 60 g
    10 1 + 170 g

    Vekst 10 til 12 måneder

    Hundens vekt - kg Mengde dag - 360 g Hermetikk Mengde dag - gram
    1 0.25 + 15 g
    2 0.5 + 15 g
    4 0.5 + 60 g
    5 1 + 25 g
    10 1 + 115 g
    20 1 + 265 g
    30 2 + 295 g

    Vekst under 4 måneder

    Hundens vekt - kg Mengde dag - 360 g Hermetikk Mengde dag - gram
    1 0.25 + 35 g
    2 0.5 + 45 g
    4 1 + 60 g
    5 1 + 90 g
    10 1 + 225 g

    Voksen vedlikehold

    Hundens vekt - kg Mengde dag - 360 g Hermetikk Mengde dag - gram
    1 0.25 + 5 g
    2 0.25 + 25 g
    4 0.5 + 35 g
    5 0.5 + 50 g
    10 1 + 70 g
    20 1 + 190 g
    30 2 + 190 g
    40 2 + 290 g
    50 2 + 380 g
    60+ 2 + 8 g kg

    Voksen vedlikehold

    Hundens vekt - kg Mengde dag - 12.7 oz (360 g) Hermetikk
    1 1/3
    2 1/2
    4 3/4
    5 1
    10 1 3/4
    20 2 3/4
    30 3 3/4
    40 4 3/4
    50 5 2/3
    60+ 35 g kg


    Hundens vekt - kg Mengde dag - 12.7 oz (360 g) Hermetikk - Vekst under 4 måneder Mengde dag - 12.7 oz (360 g) Hermetikk - Vekst 4 til 9 måneder Mengde dag - 12.7 oz (360 g) Hermetikk - Vekst 10 til 12 måneder
    1 1/2 1/2 3/8
    2 1 3/4 5/8
    4 1 1/2 1 1/3 1
    5 1 3/4 1 1/2 1 1/4
    10 3 1/4 2 2/3 2
    20 5 1/4 4 1/3 3 1/2
    30 4 3/4

  • Ingredienser

    Høykvalitets protein og nøye utvalgte ingredienser

    med storfekjøtt: Storfekjøtt (11%), ris, rismel, kalkun, tørkede hele egg, mineraler, hydrolysat, animalsk fett, tørket betemasse, malt pekannøttskall, linfrø, tørke sitrusmasse, vitaminer, fiskeolje, sporstoffer, tørkede tranebær og betakaroten.

  • Gjennomsnittlig nærings- og kaloriinnhold

    1018 kcal/kg

    Næring Som matet1
    Som matet, Basis Kalorier3
    g/100 kcal
    Vann 74 %
    Protein 6.7 % 25.9 % 6.6 g / 100 kcal
    Fett 4.2 % 16.3 % 4.2 g / 100 kcal
    Karbohydrater (NFE) 12.8 % 49.1 % 12.5 g / 100 kcal
    Råfiber 0.4 % 1.6 % 0.4 g / 100 kcal
    Råaske 1.8 % 7.1 % 1.8 g / 100 kcal
    Løselige fibre 0.4 % 1.5 % 0.4 g / 100 kcal
    Uløselige fibre 0.9 % 3.6 % 0.9 g / 100 kcal
    Kalsium 0.29 % 1.11 % 284 mg / 100 kcal
    Fosfor 0.21 % 0.8 % 203 mg / 100 kcal
    Kalium 0.24 % 0.91 % 233 mg / 100 kcal
    Natrium 0.09 % 0.34 % 86 mg / 100 kcal
    Magnesium 0.025 % 0.098 % 25 mg / 100 kcal
    L-lysin 0.47 % 1.82 % 464 mg / 100 kcal
    Taurin 0.03 % 0.1 % 26 mg / 100 kcal
    Vitamin A 9813 IU/kg 37743 IU/kg 964 IU / 100 kcal
    Vitamin C 26 ppm 99 ppm 2.54 mg / 100 kcal
    Vitamin D 180 IU/kg 692 IU/kg 17.7 IU / 100 kcal
    Vitamin E 143 IU/kg 550 IU/kg 14.04 IU / 100 kcal
    Tiamin (Vitamin B1) 26 ppm 100 ppm 2.6 mg / 100 kcal
    Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) 3.5 ppm 13.6 ppm 0.35 mg / 100 kcal
    Niacin (Vitamin B3) 35 ppm 135 ppm 3.4 mg / 100 kcal
    Pyridoksin (Vitamin B6) 3.9 ppm 15.2 ppm 0.39 mg / 100 kcal
    Pantotensyre (Vitamin B5) 10.5 ppm 40.3 ppm 1.03 mg / 100 kcal
    Folsyre (Vitamin B9) 0.58 ppm 2.24 ppm 0.06 mg / 100 kcal
    Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin) 0.04 ppm 0.14 ppm 3.6 mcg / 100 kcal
    Biotin (Vitamin B7) 0.14 ppm 0.53 ppm 0.01 mg / 100 kcal
    DHA 0.023 % 0.088 % 22.5 mg / 100 kcal
    EPA 0.015 % 0.058 % 14.9 mg / 100 kcal
    Omega-3 fettsyre 0.15 % 0.58 % 149 mg / 100 kcal
    Omega-6 fettsyre 0.72 % 2.76 % 706 mg / 100 kcal
    Betakaroten 0.29 ppm 1.12 ppm 0.03 mg / 100 kcal
    L-karnitin 8.7 ppm 33.4 ppm 0.85 mg / 100 kcal